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(v2) Configuring Samsung SSP device for Pronestor Display
(v2) Configuring Samsung SSP device for Pronestor Display
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Configuring Samsung SSP device for Display


  • Configured Display site - hosted or on premise

  • Samsung DB10E-T device (with factory presets)

Please note - the Samsung DB10E-T device is only supported in landscape orientation!


Power up the Samsung device - and follow the steps below that match the steps in the configuration guide online.

We do recommend that the built-in “On/Off Timer” is configured for optimization of electricity consumption. See below for instructions.

On/Off timer configuration


  • Using the Samsung SSP remote control, go to "Home"

  • Go to "On/Off Timer"

  • In the "On Timer" configuration section, set the time at which you want the device to turn on

  • In the "Off Timer" configuration section, set the time at which you want the device to turn off

  • Additionally, you can add holidays from the section, "Holiday Management"


Work hours in the organization span from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Therefore there is no need for the displays to be on from 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM.

  • Go to "On/Off Timer"

  • In the "On Timer" configuration section, set the time to 7:00 AM

  • In the "Off Timer" configuration section, set the time to 6:00 PM

Parsing SecurityToken to a display

We do recommend using SecurityToken, to ensure and protect a display.

If a SecurityToken has been set in the administration module, you need to parse this via a parameter. Here's how you do that:

Note - if you have used another URL or have just added the securitytoken - please reset the device as described below.

Important for troubleshooting

Opening menu via Remote control:

  • To get into the menu of the SSSP device - click the "Home" button on the remote control

  • Hit key "1" on the remote to return to the list of Displays in Pronestor Display

Resetting device

  • To reset to factory settings - turn off the device - hit "mute 182" on the remote and power on the device

  • If a device is to point to another site - please hit the Change URL field, and type $DEL + Done, before a new site can be configured in the URL Launcher

"Network connection lost"

  • It will say this because the URL used in the URL Launcher is incorrect - please ensure that it conforms to a complete URL with http/https

  • The DB10E-TPOE with firmware 1011 does not support using of port in the URL

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