!! Kiosk Browser is ONLY relevant for Iadea devices are used with Legacy Visitor Management AND with QR code reading
Installation of Pronestor Kiosk Browser Android
Download and install our kiosk browser on your Android tablet. It can be found here https://downloads.pronestor.com/
Now launch the Pronestor Kiosk Browser on the tablet
With your finger go to the top of the screen and click on 'kiosk_browser_android-1.apk'
If exposed to the security warning: Install blocked: Click on settings and go to the 'Security' tab in the left side menu. In 'Device Administration' check 'Unknown Sources'. Click 'ok'
The launch window is now active. Click 'Next' and click 'Install'
When exposed to the Google Security pop-up we recommend that you click on 'Decline'
Click 'Open'
Click and hold in the lower right corner of the screen and use passcode '1234' to enter configuration
In the 'URL' please insert your Pronestor Display web server url (Ex.https://your _pronestor_server/pronestordisplay)
If you do not have the URL please contact the one responsible for installing the software on the server
Click 'ok'
Click 'Activate' or 'Go to URL'
Click 'ok' to reminderFrom the list of displays – click “Show” for the room that you want to have displayed on the current tablet
Enter Security token: 1234
Recommended settings for Android
Disable auto update
Go to 'Settings - General' and search for 'Auto update'
If checked please unchecked
Set screen timeout to 30 minutes and disable 'Daydream' screen saver
Go to 'Settings - Device'. Click 'Display' in the left side menu and click on 'Screen timeout'. Set for 30 minutes
In newer versions of Android there is a screen saver called "Daydream". Please deactivate
Please note that we recommend a maximum brightness of 60% for Samsung tablets.