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(v2) List all room settings on Exchange
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

When troubleshooting Exchange room settings - the following script will export all settings for meeting rooms into a CSV file that can be shared with our Helpdesk.

It is a powershell script - it will only list information and not change any information

```javascript $calendarProcessingData = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-CalendarProcessing

Export the data to a CSV file

$calendarProcessingData | Select-Object Identity, AutomateProcessing, AllowConflicts, BookingWindowInDays, MaximumDurationInMinutes, AllowRecurringMeetings, bookinpolicy,allbookinpolicy,requetinpolicy,allrequestinpolicy | Export-Csv -Path "CalendarProcessingData.csv" -NoTypeInformation ```

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