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Display configuration
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Access to Display Administration

To open the solution, go to your Display site.

Click on ‘Administration - logon’

Enter email and password and click ‘Login’

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Connect your Display site with your calendar in Planner

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In order for Display to showcase the meeting information, the solution must have access to Planner (or directly to Exchange).

Go to ’Settings’ in Pronestor Display Administration

Select ‘Pronestor Planner’ in the menu on the left side.

URL: Enter the address of your Pronestor Planner Solution

Username: Enter the name of the service account that connects the two solutions. The user must be a global Facility manager and have a billing account and meeting type associated with the user profile.

Password: Password to Display service account

Domain: Not relevant

Click on ‘Save and test connection’ to finish.

Import rooms from Pronestor Planner

Go to ‘Settings’ in Pronestor Display Administration Select ‘Rooms’ in the menu on the left side.

Click ‘OK’ to import them. are now ready to configure them.

Click on ‘Search for rooms’

Pronestor Display finds all the rooms that are created in Pronestor Planner.

All rooms from Pronestor planner will now appear in your ‘Rooms’ overview and you

Note that this must also be done when creating new roomsin Pronestor Planner.

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Start page of Display

Once Display and Planner are connected and rooms are imported, then you can go back to the start page, where there are different options you can choose.

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On the left side, you can see a list of different types of screens that can be created with the solution.

  • Room booking panels

  • Meeting Activity Overviews

  • Room Availability Overviews

  • Mobile Display

On the next pages, we will describe each type of screen.

Start page of Display

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There are various links in the grey box, all of which are described in detail on the following pages.

Manage and import rooms: Click here to import all or new rooms from Planner.

See a list of available displays: Shows the complete list of displays.

Configure Planner connection: Here you can establish a connection between Display and Planner.

Set security token: Used as additional security on displays.

Under the grey box you can see the list of Room Booking panels.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZHPf&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcS5%2FcZP0IxNRL65PMXV6YFcbPqRBpm.gKUDGS_TP5Ys5K7o&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZHPf&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcS5%2FcZP0IxNRL65PMXV6YFcbPqRBpm.gKUDGS_TP5Ys5K7o&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Room Booking Panels (RBP)

This type of screen is the one that is outside the meeting room and shows which meetings have been booked for the specific room. In order to configure them, you need to do the following:

Go to ‘Displays’ in the Pronestor Display Administration.

Select ‘Room Booking Panels’ in the menu on the left side.

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Room Booking Panels (RBP)

You can now see a list of all RBPs, where you can see their name, design, time zone, the interactive features selected, as well as a status on the display.

‘Status’ warns the administrator if a display is malfunctioning. If an RBP hasn’t requested information in a period of 10 minutes (must request every minute), the status will be changed to “Not responding,” and an email will be sent to the administrator.

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Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Bulk editing

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If most, or all, your displays need the same settings, then you can mark them and edit them at once.

Check the displays that you need to edit and click on ‘Action’ above the list.

Click ‘Edit’.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) - Configuration

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Now you can see the different tabs, and each contains different configuration options that we will review here.

Notice that you first have to click on ‘Save’, after going through all the tabs.


Display enabled: Here, you indicate if the displays should be active or not.

Tags: Here, you have to possibility to give a tag to the displays that you edit. When they are imported from Planner, they automatically get their location as a tag. In addition, you can e.g. add ”1st floor” to make it easier to find displays when searching for them.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) - Configuration

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Show logo: Show logo (e.g. a company logo or room logo). Checking this box will allow you to upload a file.

Showroom image: Show room image when you click on details on an RBP (room image is selected in ”Settings” -> ”Rooms” – for the specific room).

Show meeting list button: Show button that users can press to see the day’s reservations of the room.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) - Configuration

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Hide title: Hide meeting title on RBP so the users only can see that it is occupied.

Hide owner: Hide meeting room owner on RBP so the users only can see that it is occupied.

Sleep start/end: Starts/end sleep mode for the site.

The site becomes black, and status is turned off. Uses the timezone from the location.

Notice that this doesn't affect the but only the site.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Interactivity

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Require on-screen confirmation: If this is enabled, users will have to confirm their meeting on the screen. The meeting is cancelled if it is not confirmed on the screen and can be used by others instead.

Confirmation in advance: Set the number of minutes before the start of the meeting when the screen should show the confirmation button.

Confirmation deadline: Set the number of minutes after the start of the meeting on when the screen should show the confirmation button.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Interactivity

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Allow on-screen booking: Show button that enables users to make a spontaneous booking of the meeting room directly on the screen.

Allow on-screen end time changes: Show button to allow editing the end time of the current reservation. This gives the users the ability to extend or shorten meetings.

Require pin-code: Every interaction on the screen requires a pin-code.

Notice that we do not recommend you to activate this because it means that all users must know the pin-code in order to use the interactive features.

Click _‘_Verify authorization’ to check if the activated interactive settings are possible with the user account used.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Error reporting

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Choose available equipment in room:

Choose equipment that is available in the room and for which it should be possible to report errors. If this is activated, a small icon will appear on the screens where a user can report errors on the equipment. An email will be sent to the Display administrator.

Equipment is defined in Settings.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration LED settings

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If you use screens with LED lights on the sides, these can be lit in the same colour as the status of the screen. Red for occupied, Orange shortly before the start of the meeting and Green for an available room.

If this is enabled, we recommend putting the LED intensity to the highest possible level.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Localization

Time zone: Choose the time zone for the screen. It has to be the same time zone as used in Planner.

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Date format: Select the date format you want to use on your screens.

Time format: Select the time format you want to use on your screens.

Language: Select the language to be used on the buttons on the screens.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Design

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Style: Select a design template, which is the background used on the screens.

Background image: Image that is used as the background on the display, if you don’t wish to use the backgrounds that can be found under ‘Style’. Check your screen resolution to ensure an optimal fit. We recommend that all pictures are jpegs and 72 dpi. The name of the file must not contain special characters such as æ, ø, å etc.

Background image fit: How should the image adapt to the screen

Background color: The color to use if the background image does not fill the entire background.

Font color: The color to be used for on-screen text.

Room Booking Panels (RBP) – Configuration Preview

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Here you can see what the screen will look like with the settings that are made on the Design tab.

Width/Height: Pixel width and height for preview.

Maintain aspect ratio: When activated, the changes in width or height will keep the same proportions.

Click ‘Save’ to save the settings that you have made.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration

This type of display is typically used in a reception or entrance area, where they show the daily overview of meetings.

Go to ‘Displays’ in Pronestor Display Administration. Choose ‘Meeting activity overviews’ in the menu on the left side.

The list over MAO’s show every display with name, design, time zone, and the status.

You can add a new MAO by clicking on ‘+reception’. Enter the name and click ‘Save’.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZGwb&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lclR%2Fe5kcLXj0q9m6Bdg4V.XjuZC5Zbo_YfQH_aarf34NstY&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZGwb&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lclR%2Fe5kcLXj0q9m6Bdg4V.XjuZC5Zbo_YfQH_aarf34NstY&amp;asPdf=false</a>
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Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration

You can edit a MAO by clicking on the name of the screen that you want to edit.


Name: Give the display a name that indicates where it is located.

Reception title: Header shown on the display.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BYyv7&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcof%2FGtUo0Oqs6uy2aJftu2p4SLAWOkUlb0ue6QinoqLupL4&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BYyv7&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcof%2FGtUo0Oqs6uy2aJftu2p4SLAWOkUlb0ue6QinoqLupL4&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration

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Here you can select which rooms should be shown on the screen by ticking the box.

You can also activate Wayfinding for the meeting rooms in the MAO. Wayfinding results in small arrows on the screen, pointing the guests in the right direction.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration Visibility

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Show logo: Show logo (i.e. company logo). Tick the box here to be able to upload a file.

Upcoming meetings: There can be many meetings in just one day, and you can choose, how long ahead in time you want to show them. This is in relation to the point of time on the day.

Paging interval: Select how long a page is being shown before moving on to the next. This is used when the display needs more than one page to show all the meetings.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration Visibility

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Show past meetings: Meetings that are over are being shown at the bottom of the overview.

Hide title: Hide the meeting title on MAO.

Hide owner: Hide the meeting owner on MAO.

Sleep start/end: Start/end sleep mode for the site. The site turns black, and the status is turned off. Uses the time zone from the location.

Note that this only affects the site, not the screen.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration Localization

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Time zone: Select time zone for the screens should. It must be the same time zone as used in Planner.

Date format: Select the date format that you want to use on the screens.

Time format: Select the time format that you want to use on the screens.

Language: Select the language that you want to use on the screens.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration Design

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIzp&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcwj%2FtaLFqUW51JCBmKKMSdReCjxjDxdKfwjFThIcO50EsUs&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIzp&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcwj%2FtaLFqUW51JCBmKKMSdReCjxjDxdKfwjFThIcO50EsUs&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Style: Select a design template, which is the background used on the screens.

Background image: Image that is used as the background on the display, if you don’t wish to use the backgrounds that can be found under ‘Style’. Check your screen resolution to ensure an optimal fit. We recommend that all pictures are jpegs and 72 dpi. The name of the file must not contain special characters such as æ, ø, å etc.

Background image fit: How should the image adapt to the screen.

Background color: The color to be used if the background image does not fill the entire background.

Font color: The color to be used for on-screen text.

Meeting Activity Overviews (MAO) – Configuration Preview

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Here you can see what the screen will look like with the settings that are made on the Design tab.

Width/Height: Pixel width and height for preview.

Maintain aspect ratio: When activated, the changes in width or height will keep the same proportions.

Click ‘Save’ to save the settings that you have made.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration

This type of display is typically used at a meeting entrance or an area with meeting rooms. Here the rooms in the area, and their status are shown. You can confirm your meeting or create a spontaneous meeting on this screen.

Go to ‘Displays’ in Pronestor Display Administration. Select ‘Room activity overviews’ in the menu on the left side.

The list over RAO’s shows every display with name, design, time zone and status.

You can add a new RAO by clicking on ‘+area’. Enter name and save.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZHr3&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lczx%2FUnv6XgAjDQpTf0ZQw2tCHC6wYjdrpx2ZMe68QGqxsvY&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZHr3&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lczx%2FUnv6XgAjDQpTf0ZQw2tCHC6wYjdrpx2ZMe68QGqxsvY&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZF1P&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcYY%2FS0YNbOtSBR6Gb46Y.3LHUjrFRoB4JZunVDL6ftnyWpw&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZF1P&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lcYY%2FS0YNbOtSBR6Gb46Y.3LHUjrFRoB4JZunVDL6ftnyWpw&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration

You can edit a RAO by clicking on the name of the screen that you want to edit.

Always remember to click ‘Save’ after making changes to the various tabs.


Name: Give the display a name that is indicative of where it is located.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZJ1R&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld1Z%2FauM92SdIuSKa2LaIe0b7HhsJbGd2J8qnpQdACqjeXh4&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZJ1R&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld1Z%2FauM92SdIuSKa2LaIe0b7HhsJbGd2J8qnpQdACqjeXh4&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZJ33&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld3B%2FSqIuPIQlX5Zr5VDuQESmmjzae.YBMAe129nm60vGTmU&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZJ33&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld3B%2FSqIuPIQlX5Zr5VDuQESmmjzae.YBMAe129nm60vGTmU&amp;asPdf=false</a>


Here you can select which rooms should be shown on the screen by ticking the box.

You can also activate Wayfinding for the meeting rooms in the RAO. Wayfinding results in small arrows on the screen, poiting the guests in the right direction.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration Visibility

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZCDI&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld4n%2FUlExDotNMMI5Ua511R9AfLdyYHdFQhzjPDVmXChjsps&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZCDI&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld4n%2FUlExDotNMMI5Ua511R9AfLdyYHdFQhzjPDVmXChjsps&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Show logo: Show logo (i.e., company logo). Tick the box here to be able to upload a file.

Hide title: Hide the meeting title on RAO.

Hide owner: Hide the meeting owner on RAO.

Sleep start/end: Start/end sleep mode for the site. The site turns black, and the status is turned off. Uses the time zone from the location.

Note that this only affects the site, not the screen.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration Interactivity

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZEEu&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld6P%2FvyRtXn7Mx5Lcl2FBt2_ShquTeR7jytIxOIDfg8lbAW0&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZEEu&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld6P%2FvyRtXn7Mx5Lcl2FBt2_ShquTeR7jytIxOIDfg8lbAW0&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Allow on-screen booking: : Show button that enables users to make a spontaneous booking of the meeting room directly on the screen.

Allow on-screen end time changes: Show button to allow editing of the end time of the current reservation. This allows the users to extend or shorten meetings.

Click Verify authorization to check if the enabled interactivity settings are possible with the service account used.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration Localization

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZJ6H&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld81%2FHeAj_5ike6kEDeEI6EA2QP3k.XvgPUjXUy2qR7vNgyE&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZJ6H&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld81%2FHeAj_5ike6kEDeEI6EA2QP3k.XvgPUjXUy2qR7vNgyE&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Timezone: Select the time zone for the screen. It must be the same time zone as used in Planner.

Date format: Select the date format that you want to use on the screen.

Time format: Select the time format that you want to use on the screen.

Language: Select the language that you want to use on the screen.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration Design

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZ45t&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld9d%2FqcFbrBCpTq4b5.ngdjlF_fkT5gW.R4UfzaVlSTxGoWU&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZ45t&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ld9d%2FqcFbrBCpTq4b5.ngdjlF_fkT5gW.R4UfzaVlSTxGoWU&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Style: Select a design template, which is the background used on the screen.

Background image: Image that is used as the background on the display, if you don’t wish to use the backgrounds that can be found in Style. Check your screen resolution to ensure an optimal fit. We recommend that all pictures are jpegs and 72 dpi. The name of the file must not contain special characters such as æ, ø, å etc.

Background image fit: How should the image adapt to the screen.

Background color: The color to be used if the background image does not fill the entire background.

Font color: The color to be used for on-screen text.

Room Activity Overviews (RAO) – Configuration Preview

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZFxK&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldBF%2FO0vaplWUCuN8cFJUsoNc_UEzV3Jyg4wc9mJya5.9ywo&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZFxK&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldBF%2FO0vaplWUCuN8cFJUsoNc_UEzV3Jyg4wc9mJya5.9ywo&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Here you can see what the screen will look like with the settings that are made on the Design tab.

Width/Height: Pixel width and height for preview.

Maintain aspect ratio: When activated, the changes in width or height will keep the same proportions.

Click ‘Save’ to save the settings that you have made.


**Name: **

Here you enter the name of the display.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZ9jx&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldCr%2F4ymqJdIeSHINbYLQ52M1fxGNaK2TwTFihfQJzWRML0Q&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZ9jx&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldCr%2F4ymqJdIeSHINbYLQ52M1fxGNaK2TwTFihfQJzWRML0Q&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZJ7t&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldET%2FMNRXOzAPK9YIdce61lOS3_pcFIhBMv33VBBcM3gqxN8&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZJ7t&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldET%2FMNRXOzAPK9YIdce61lOS3_pcFIhBMv33VBBcM3gqxN8&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Mobile display – Configuration Visibility

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZGmv&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldG5%2FGRtp_01e10NuUeFutcedpGLXRRF2fNhjlUF.cNFMlZQ&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZGmv&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldG5%2FGRtp_01e10NuUeFutcedpGLXRRF2fNhjlUF.cNFMlZQ&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Show logo: Show logo (i.e. company logo). Tick the box here to be able to upload a file.

Hide title: Hide the meeting title on the mobile display.

Hide owner: Hide the meeting owner on the mobile display.

Mobile display – Configuration Localization

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZDqh&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldHh%2FUSUEN0g.Np0wvBaw7ea1_rXtDmHQGcwyRgWuJmaTKs4&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZDqh&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldHh%2FUSUEN0g.Np0wvBaw7ea1_rXtDmHQGcwyRgWuJmaTKs4&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Timezone: Select the time zone for the screen. It must be the same time zone as used in Planner.

Date format: Select the date format that you want to use on the screen.

Time format: Select the time format that you want to use on the screen.

Language: Select the language that you want to use on the screen.

**Tab ‘Settings’ **

If you go to the Settings tab, there are several options for configuring the solution.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZHnk&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldJJ%2FD0CgnRAUjV5uA1u4w9FkdFZyDIE_cZ9ISRdpWQw_GIk&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZHnk&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldJJ%2FD0CgnRAUjV5uA1u4w9FkdFZyDIE_cZ9ISRdpWQw_GIk&amp;asPdf=false</a>
  • Pronestor Planner (described previously)

  • Rooms

  • Error reporting

  • Security

  • My settings

  • License

We will go through them on the next pages.

**Tab ‘Settings’ **


List over all Room Booking Panels. If you click Edit in the black bar, you can add an alternative name for the screen. Here you can see that Auditorie 2 has been shortened to Aud 2.

When you are done, click on Done in the black bar.

Remember that this is just an option; it’s not a requirement.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZF6C&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldKv%2FJ4Uy2Ej0PeOiSz84WDqq4IE0cABtqe9JZnerOcsYufY&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZF6C&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldKv%2FJ4Uy2Ej0PeOiSz84WDqq4IE0cABtqe9JZnerOcsYufY&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZHKj&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldMX%2FDKAuYFD8xiU0J1GMTbzK_XpeClsZvtc7j32WqTr_9L8&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZHKj&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldMX%2FDKAuYFD8xiU0J1GMTbzK_XpeClsZvtc7j32WqTr_9L8&amp;asPdf=false</a>

**Tab ‘Settings’ **


It is also possible to click on ‘Edit’ under Action. Here you get the following options.

General: Change the name



Upload a


. Must




in RBP.

The rest of the


options can be


on the tab ‘Displays’.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZJ9V&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldEU%2Fd6k8b2mfjnrySo9Bc12tGB_k_0NDDrst.8stnKfChaI&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZJ9V&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldEU%2Fd6k8b2mfjnrySo9Bc12tGB_k_0NDDrst.8stnKfChaI&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIa5&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldO9%2FiM3zw.Je.AOw0VVnwLqZDm6QOYcmimFt3JlyfrD2hVc&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIa5&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldO9%2FiM3zw.Je.AOw0VVnwLqZDm6QOYcmimFt3JlyfrD2hVc&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZ9Tn&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldPl%2FO5GKXBvi5Zi1YjPGH5YCUsK.bl99dOzcwTLxPwc8V2I&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZ9Tn&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldPl%2FO5GKXBvi5Zi1YjPGH5YCUsK.bl99dOzcwTLxPwc8V2I&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Error reporting

Tab ‘

**Settings’ **

If you




, it can be


to the relevant




the users



in case the











on ‘+





**of **





in the administration



**Name **


on display:

Name is


on the RBP








<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIIN&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldRN%2FTPZlJ6StjNDibDjy28yf5LK34e2aHNjKm3wZ0KFK904&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIIN&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldRN%2FTPZlJ6StjNDibDjy28yf5LK34e2aHNjKm3wZ0KFK904&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZCiJ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldSz%2F3FgsFxGJP7pqrnT4fvmRA2ee1ZEpTXCaSHz5dJY0mTM&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZCiJ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldSz%2F3FgsFxGJP7pqrnT4fvmRA2ee1ZEpTXCaSHz5dJY0mTM&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Error reporting

Tab ‘

**Settings’ **



on screen:




















to the user







for the















be sent.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZ3vH&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lczy%2FRkzb2lKgpV1aHzit_2NAmYvu23mKr90SlI3OJZz4cug&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZ3vH&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002lczy%2FRkzb2lKgpV1aHzit_2NAmYvu23mKr90SlI3OJZz4cug&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIgZ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldUb%2FrZPfGsxlo5LTtO6AgtjAcwjA8.UB4QBAEyzj5jPUavM&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIgZ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldUb%2FrZPfGsxlo5LTtO6AgtjAcwjA8.UB4QBAEyzj5jPUavM&amp;asPdf=false</a>

**Tab ‘Settings’ **

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIga&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldWD%2FJUPnnXlACNPZ7ZX6FM7ji3meAxDMJLcUlL1e6y7j7vI&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIga&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldWD%2FJUPnnXlACNPZ7ZX6FM7ji3meAxDMJLcUlL1e6y7j7vI&amp;asPdf=false</a>


If you wish to add extra safety to the solution, there are the following options:

Security token: If this is enabled, you can still get access to the list of screens when configuring a screen. If you click to access the screens URL, you must enter this code to get access.

Check-in code: Interaction with the RBPs require a PIN. Authentication of the PIN must be activated both under Settings → Security and in the individual RBPs on the ‘Interactivity’ tab.

Hidden Public Display Overview: The Display site can only be accessed with the administrator login.

**Tab ‘Settings’ **

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZDnU&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldXp%2FdIpXUqIBu2vE0CZe9ZqVMmQGtDsN1wmaVsyQj51C6Fk&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZDnU&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldXp%2FdIpXUqIBu2vE0CZe9ZqVMmQGtDsN1wmaVsyQj51C6Fk&amp;asPdf=false</a>

My settings

Only one user can be created for Pronestor Display

You can change the login and password to the administrator account here.

We recommend that you change the password the first time you log in to Pronestor Display.

**Tab ‘Settings’ **


Upload your license here and see what your license covers.

To insert the license click on ”Insert license”




<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZDvZ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldRO%2FBgkfOuw6uOpLPXagnG5xscy1FvI7H4fLsiq6e71cRZw&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZDvZ&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldRO%2FBgkfOuw6uOpLPXagnG5xscy1FvI7H4fLsiq6e71cRZw&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZIyE&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldZR%2Fs79o.x13xyH3sksnBpzPrZcWqyMeemjn2m7Q8cJ_9u4&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZIyE&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldZR%2Fs79o.x13xyH3sksnBpzPrZcWqyMeemjn2m7Q8cJ_9u4&amp;asPdf=false</a>

**Tab ‘Analytics’ **


It is possible to make a report that includes data on ‘Room usage’ and ‘Display interactivity’.

Select the period and click ‘Show report.’

The report can also be exported as a csv file.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZD68&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldb3%2FS_TWMswER213ZGxb066tQ5qjRXVVRHMsBPLHNanAwHA&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZD68&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldb3%2FS_TWMswER213ZGxb066tQ5qjRXVVRHMsBPLHNanAwHA&amp;asPdf=false</a>
<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZHr4&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldcf%2Fkw9_UNgTdEoctQy2Rm6iRObV3.VvQBXEQegn8etkV8g&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZHr4&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldcf%2Fkw9_UNgTdEoctQy2Rm6iRObV3.VvQBXEQegn8etkV8g&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Set up URL on your screen

Each room has its own Display configuration in the administration. It is therefore important that you retrieve the correct URL that points to the meeting room where you set up Display.

Find the name of the meeting room you need to set up Display for. Click on Show, and the display itself will open in the same view as you need on your screen.

You can either copy the URL and later use it on your screen – or you can access this page from your screen, find your room and click on Show.

Use the same method to find URL on a Mobile Display, RAO and MOA.

<a href=";ids=068OG00000BZAcn&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldeH%2F2xmIWwemuwJxONhyzRTQri30WiZEcCU3vQ4p6zfT5F4&amp;asPdf=false" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;ids=068OG00000BZAcn&amp;d=%2Fa%2FOG000002ldeH%2F2xmIWwemuwJxONhyzRTQri30WiZEcCU3vQ4p6zfT5F4&amp;asPdf=false</a>

Meeting management and scheduling software

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