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How to find a booking URL
Alicia Roberton avatar
Written by Alicia Roberton
Updated yesterday

If you've got a question about or a problem with a specific booking, it's very useful to know where to find the URL (or link) for that specific booking.

Sending the booking URL to our support team will help our agents quickly identify the booking and begin their investigation.

We may ask you to do this if you haven't already.

To find a booking URL:

1. Head to your Sign In Scheduling calendar by clicking the 'calendar' tab in the left-hand menu.

2. Click on the booking.

3. At the top of your web browser, you'll find the booking URL in the web address bar. Click to highlight the whole URL, then right-click to copy it.

4. You can then paste the booking URL into an email/live chat with our support team, who will then be able to navigate directly to the booking.

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