With Sign In Scheduling, the SMS messages you send to your customers use tags. These tags make certain pieces of information appear in the messages.
By default, SMS messages within Sign In Scheduling will use tags for appointment dates and times, and for your organization name. Users on our Pro plan and above can freely edit the content of SMS messages and add additional tags.
As well as SMS tags, Sign In Scheduling also utilizes email tags and voice reminder tags.
This guide will explain how to use SMS tags and outline what each of them does.
How to use SMS tags
To edit your SMS message content to add SMS tags, head to 'Manage' > 'Messaging' > ' For Customers'.
Scroll to the 'SMS notifications' section and ensure that they're switched on.
Click on the particular SMS notification you'd like to edit, then use the text box to amend the message content and add additional tags.
List of available SMS tags
The SMS tags available for you to use within Sign In Scheduling are as follows:
##{{datetime}} - the start date and time of the appointment.
##{{end_datetime}} - the time the appointment is due to end
##{{event_name}} - the name of the booked service
##{{old_event_datetime}} - for rescheduled appointments, you can show the previous date and time of the appointment
##{{organisation_short_name}} - the short name of your business
##{{organisation_number}} - your business phone number
##{{organisation_email}} - Your business email address
##{{staff_name}} - the name of the staff member taking the appointment
##{{recipient_name}} - the name of the customer on the appointment
##{{location_address}} - the address at which the appointment takes place
##{{location_address_nophi}} - the address at which the appointment takes place (for HIPAA-enabled accounts)
##{{actor_name}} - the name of an individual who made a change to the appointment
##{{outstanding_payment}} - any outstanding payment owed for that appointment.
##{{checkin_link}} - a link the customer can tap to check in for their appointment. Once they have tapped the link, they will be redirected to the booking details page and you will then see they have been marked by the system as 'arrived'.
If you'd like to include answers to custom booking questions in your SMS messages, there's a tag for that too. ##{{answers.xxxxxx}} (with the 'xxxxxx' being replaced with the number from the custom question's key) will populate the message with the customer's answer to the booking question(s) you choose.
Need more help?
We hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team, who will be more than happy to assist.