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How to use markdown with Sign In Scheduling
Alicia Roberton avatar
Written by Alicia Roberton
Updated yesterday

Markdown is a language for formatting text, designed to be easy to use.

Markdown uses a simple syntax, which can be used to create headings, lists, links, and other formatting elements. The text written in markdown is then converted to HTML for display on the web.

Sign In Scheduling supports markdown for editing both your booking page and email content.

This guide lists various formatting options and explains how to use them.


To create headings, use the hash symbol (#).

Use one hash symbol in front of the text (without a space) to create a big heading, and use two to create a smaller one.

#Big heading (heading 1)
##Small heading (heading 2)


To italicize text, surround it with a single asterisk on either side (*).

Powering appointments, *for time better spent*. 


To create bold text, surround it with a pair of asterisks on either side (**).

Powering appointments, **for time better spent**.

Line breaks

To create a line break, end a line with a double space, then hit enter.

Powering appointments,  

for time better spent.

Bullet point lists

To create a bullet point list, start each line with an asterisk (*).

* Do you have any allergies?
* Are you taking any regular medication?
* Are you a smoker?

Numbered lists

To create a numbered list, start each line with a number.

1. Do you have any allergies?
2. Are you taking any regular medication?
3. Are you a smoker?


To include an image, you'll need a URL for it. Use the following code format:

![10to8 Logo]( 


To include a link, use the following code format:

Click [here]( to go to 10to8's website.

Need more help?

We hope this guide has been useful! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team who will be happy to help.

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