This guide will explain how to manage your staff with Sign In Scheduling. Your staff members are the people within your Sign In Scheduling account who have their own user profiles. You can decide which staff members take bookings.
The number of staff you can add to your account will depend on your subscription plan. You can view your plan details under the 'Billing' tab. If you're not sure about this, reach out to our support team who will be happy to advise.
Note: we understand that the word 'Staff' might not suit every business. Depending on the sector you chose when you signed up, you might see a different word for your staff, such as:
Sales Rep
Hiring Manager
All of the above count as 'staff' in Sign In Scheduling.
How to add staff
Head to 'Manage' > 'Staff' to get started. To add a staff member, click '+ Add staff'.
You'll then be prompted to enter the staff member's name and email address. You can also choose at this point whether to assign that staff member to all of your current bookable services, or none of them.
You can then click 'Create staff' or 'Invite staff'.
Clicking 'Create staff' will create the staff member's profile immediately and add it to your account.
Clicking 'Invite staff' will also immediately create the staff member's profile and add it to your account, but will also send them an activation link via email. The staff member can activate their user profile by clicking the 'Connect' button at the bottom of the email.
When they click this button, they'll be taken to Sign In Scheduling and prompted to set up their own login so they can gain access to their profile.
New staff members that have never logged into Sign In Scheduling before will need to click the 'Create a new account' button. This will create a brand new account for them which will be linked to the organization they're joining.
Staff members that already have an existing Sign In Scheduling account that they'd like to link to the organization can click the 'Log in' button to do this.
If you decide to create the staff member's profile without immediately inviting them, you can do so when you're ready by clicking on their name, then clicking 'Invite' under the 'Status' section within their profile.
Note: staff invitation links expire after 24 hours. If the staff member doesn't click it within this time period, you can return to the page and click 'Resend' to send it out again.
Other options in the 'Details' section of the staff member's profile include fields for email address(es), phone number, team and timezone. You'll also be able to use this section to add notes, toggle bookings on/off, assign a color, copy their private booking link, upload a booking page photo, enter a public description, and at the bottom you'll find a link to change their availability.
How to delete staff
To delete a staff member, click the 'Delete staff' button at the bottom of the 'Details' section within their profile.
When you click to delete a staff member, Sign In Scheduling will ask you to confirm your choice. If you want to delete the appointments within your account associated with the staff member, tick the checkbox before clicking 'Delete' again.
If you leave this box unticked, the staff member's appointments will remain in the calendar, but to find them you'll need to manually search for them.
How to assign services to staff
There are two ways to assign services to staff members. When services are assigned to staff members, it means they can host bookings for that service. If they're not assigned to that service, customers won't be able to book that service with them.
You can view a staff member's assigned services by clicking on the 'Services' tab within their profile. If the staff member is set as bookable, and you selected 'Create with: all services' when you added them, all of your bookable services will appear here.
If any services are missing, click on the drop-down menu to select any you'd like to add.
To un-assign a service from the staff member, click the red trash can icon across from the service name.
The second way to assign services to particular staff members is to add the staff directly to the service in 'Manage' > 'Services'.
Click on the name of the service, then scroll to the 'Staff' section. Here you can click on the drop-down to add staff from the list, or just type in their name and press enter. This will assign the service to the staff member(s) you select from here.
To remove a staff member from the service, click the 'X' next to their name. Changes are saved automatically.
How to manage staff permissions
To review and amend staff members' permissions, head to 'Manage' > 'Staff', click on the staff member's name, then click the 'Permissions' tab.
The staff permissions within Sign In Scheduling are as follows:
Is administrator - the account creator is an administrator, and can give admin permissions to other users. Admins can edit all organization settings, book appointments for customers, make bookings on behalf of all staff, create/edit customer details, create/edit staff details, create/manage staff teams, and create/manage services.
Can see all bookings - all bookings within the calendar are visible to this staff member, no matter who they're booked with. Also determines the ability to see all customers' records within the account.
Can modify bookings - this staff member can create bookings for themselves and other staff members, and modify other staff members' bookings as well as their own. This also means that the staff member can create new customer records.
Can see team's bookings and attendees - this staff member can see the bookings and attendees of other staff members within their team.
Can create and modify team's services - this staff member can create and amend services assigned to their team. They can also create new services for their team.
Can view advanced mode - this staff member can view the advanced version of the Sign In Scheduling account menu, to the left of the screen. Advanced mode gives staff access to account settings that are usually reserved for admins only.
Can send ad hoc messages - this staff member can send messages to customers as and when they like, outside of the automated booking notifications sent by Sign In Scheduling.
Can edit automated messages to customers - this staff member can make changes to the content of the automated messages sent to customers from Sign In Scheduling, under 'Manage' > 'Messaging' > 'For Customers'. They'll only be able to do this if your plan permits these changes. This option is available on our Pro plan and above.
Can see inbox - this staff member can view the Sign In Scheduling inbox.
Can edit their availability - this staff member can edit their own working hours.
Can edit team's availability - this staff member can edit the working hours of other staff members in the same team as them.
Can edit all availability - this staff member can edit all other staff members' working hours.
Can cancel all the bookings for the day - this staff member can cancel all bookings for any given day. This is done via the calendar by clicking the three dots next to the day, then selecting 'Cancel all bookings'.
If you notice that some of the permissions boxes are greyed out, this means you do not have the ability to modify them. Account admins generally have the most control over these permissions, so we recommend reaching out to one of your admins for help in this scenario.
How to create and use teams
To help you keep your staff members organized, Sign In Scheduling gives you the ability to separate them into teams.
To create a team, head to 'Manage' > 'Staff' and click '+ Add team'.
Your new team will then appear at the top of your staff list. By default, it will be called 'New team'. Click on the pencil icon to edit the team name. Once you're happy, click the tick to save your changes.
To discard your changes, click the 'X'. To delete the team, click the trash can. Deleting a team will only delete the team, not the staff who may have been placed within it.
Repeat as necessary for as many teams as you'd like to create.
To add staff members to your teams, click on the name of the staff member you'd like to add. Navigate to the 'Team' section within their profile, then select the team from the drop-down (or type it in and press Enter).
This will save automatically and the staff member will be moved into the drop-down for this team on the left. You can add staff members to multiple teams if you like.
Staff members who haven't been added to a team will remain under 'Untagged staff'.
How to assign services to teams
To assign a service to a team, head to 'Manage' > 'Services' and click on the service you'd like to assign to a team.
Navigate to the 'Staff' section for that service, and click to add staff using the drop-down. If you've created teams, you'll see these listed here as well as the names of individual staff. Click on the name of the team to assign all staff within that team to the service.
How to view teams in the calendar
When viewing the calendar, you can choose to view by team as well as by individual staff members.
To select a team to view, click on the staff selection menu and click on the team name from the drop-down. The scheduled bookings and events of all staff members within this team will then be shown.
Need more help?
We hope this guide has been useful! If you have any questions or need help, reach out to our support team who will be happy to assist further.