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How to run data reports with Sign In Scheduling
Alicia Roberton avatar
Written by Alicia Roberton
Updated yesterday

Within Sign In Scheduling you'll find a comprehensive data reporting tool. With this tool, you have the ability to run and download reports. These reports are perfect for compiling and collecting specific information from your Sign In Scheduling account.

This guide explains how to use Sign In Scheduling's reporting tool.

To get started, head to 'Reports' > 'Export events'.

How to export data

Note: If you can't see the 'Reports' tab in the left-hand menu of your Sign In Scheduling account, you might be viewing it in 'Simple mode'. If this is the case, you should see the option in your profile under 'Manage' > 'Staff' to switch to 'Advanced mode'. If you don't see this, you might not have the permissions required to run reports. In this case, reach out to an account administrator.

The 'Run new report' window will provide you with all the options you need to export your data. Basic details will always be included. You can add or remove additional details from the report by using the checkboxes to select the relevant options from the list.

At the top of the window, you'll find the option to enter a custom name for your report. You can use the boxes underneath to define the time period you'd like the report to cover.

Note: You won't be able to run your report until you've named it.

If you're part of more than one organization within Sign In Scheduling, you can opt to include information from all of your organizations, or just from selected ones.

If you'd like to define the analytics you'd like your report to include, you can do this too. You have the ability to choose to leave them out, to include waiting times by location and service, and to include DNAs by location and service.

Opting to include these analytics will generate graphs that will be included in your finished report.

At the bottom of the window, you can click 'Run this report' to run the report immediately. If you'd like to save the configured report to run at a later time, you can click 'Save report'.

How to email reports to a staff member

To have your data report emailed directly to a staff member upon completion, scroll to the 'Notifications' section and tick the checkbox next to 'Send email when report completed'. You can then enter the email address you'd like the report to be sent to.

The email sent to that email address will look like the screenshot below. The staff member will need to click the link in the email to download the completed report. The report itself, which may contain sensitive customer data, will not be delivered directly to the staff member's email inbox.

An example email

How to send your report to an SFTP server

To send your report to an SFTP server, tick the checkbox next to 'Upload report to an SFTP server when completed'.

You'll then need to input the host, remote folder, username and password.


  • For security purposes, we recommend that you create separate access to your SFTP server for Sign In Scheduling.

  • This should only have access to the specific folder you want to upload the report to.

  • Make sure that the password you use for the separate access is unique and secure.

  • The IP address that we use is

How to send your report to an S3 bucket

An S3 bucket is a cloud-based storage resource within Amazon Web Service's Simple Storage Service (S3).

To send your completed report to an S3 bucket, tick the checkbox next to 'Upload report to an S3 bucket when completed'. You'll then be able to enter a bucket name, location, access key and secret key.


  • For security purposes, we recommend that you create separate access to your S3 bucket for Sign In Scheduling.

  • This should only permit access to the specific location into which you'd like your report sent.

Data you can include

Below, you'll find a breakdown of the details that can be included in your report.

Basic details:

  • Event ID - The unique Sign In Scheduling ID for the event

  • Start date- The date and time of the booking

  • Length - The duration of the booking in minutes

  • Appointment name - The name of the service

  • Location ID - The unique ID for each of the locations

  • Location name - The location of the booking

  • Staff ID - The unique ID for each staff member

  • Staff name - The name of the staff member(s) allocated to the booking

  • Customer ID - The unique ID for the customer

  • Customer name - The name of the person attending the booking (if this is a class with multiple
    attendees, a new line will be put into the report for each of them)

Customer details:

  • Customer emails - The email addresses associated with the customer(s) on the booking

  • Customer phone numbers - The customers' phone number(s)

  • Customer home addresses - The customers' home addresses

  • Customer consent - Whether the customer has consented to be contacted


  • Amount owed

  • Amount paid

Booking questions and answers:

  • Booking questions - Returns the booking question and answer in the format question: answer


  • Notification ID - The unique ID of the message

  • Notification content - The content of the message

  • Notification type - The type of message (SMS, Email, etc)

  • Notification delivery status - Whether the message was read, delivered, or rejected

  • Notification sent time - When the message was sent

  • Notification destination - The email address or phone number the message was sent to

Include attachments:

  • Appointment attachment link - The link to the attachment

  • Appointment attachment filename - The name of the attached file

  • Appointment attachment date - The date the attachment was added

  • Appointment staff name - The name of the staff member who added the attachment

  • Appointment attachment staff ID - The ID of the staff member who added the attachment


  • Appointment note text - The contents of the note

  • Appointment note date - When the note was written

  • Appointment note staff name - The name of the staff member who wrote the note

  • Appointment note staff ID - The unique ID of the staff member who wrote the note

Video conferencing links:

  • Video link - The hyperlink to the video conference

  • Video meeting ID - The unique ID of the particular meeting (e.g. Zoom meeting ID)

Marketing fields:

Marketing fields are special parameters that are captured from customers when they first land on your booking page. They are useful when running marketing campaigns with Facebook, Email, Adwords, etc. These can be used to attribute new customers to those campaigns, to show just how successful they are.

  • Channel - The marketing channel that created this customer

  • Origin - The origin that created this customer

  • Referrer- Where the customer came from, if they were referred

  • UTM campaign - The value of the utm_campaign query string parameter when the customer lands on your booking page

  • UTM medium - The value of the utm_medium query string parameter when the customer lands on your booking page

  • UTM source - The value of the utm_source query string parameter when the customer lands on your booking page

  • UTM term - The value of the utm_term query string parameter when the customer lands on your booking page

  • UTM content- The value of the utm_content query string parameter when the customer lands on your booking page

  • gclid code - gclid parameter used by Google Adwords

Staff details:

  • Staff ID - The unique ID of the staff member

  • Staff name - The staff member's name

  • Staff emails - All emails associated with the staff member

  • Staff phone numbers - All phone numbers associated with the staff member

  • Staff teams - The names of the teams that staff have been grouped into

Booking meta details:

  • Booked by - The name of the person who made the booking

  • Booker ID - The unique ID of the person who made the booking

  • Booked by role - Whether the person who made the booking was a customer or a staff member

  • Booked on - The date the booking was placed

Include non-appointment events:

Events such as Buffer times, travel times, busy times, and third-party calendar sync events; any event in your Sign In Scheduling calendar that is not an appointment.

Include cancelled appointments:

  • Cancelled by - The name of the person who cancelled the booking

  • Canceler ID - The unique ID of the person who cancelled the booking

  • Cancelled by role - Whether the person who cancelled the booking was a customer or a staff member

  • Cancelled on - The date the appointment was cancelled

Include rebooked appointments:

Rescheduled appointments will appear in a separate row to show the original appointment details alongside the rescheduled appointment details. If an appointment is rescheduled more than once, a new row will be generated for each occurrence.

  • Rebooked by - The person who rebooked the appointment

  • Rebooked by ID - The unique ID of the person who rebooked the appointment

  • Rebooked by role - Whether the person who rebooked was a customer or staff member

  • Rebooked on - The date the booking was rebooked from

  • Rebooked new appointment ID - The new unique ID of the rebooked appointment

How to access your exported data

Clicking the 'Run this report' button at the bottom of the page will generate the report in XLXS format, based on your chosen date range and the options you selected.

If there is a large amount of data to process, you will see a progress bar. The report will continue generating, even if you leave the page.

Once the data has been generated into a report, it will appear within the 'Downloads' section. Click the icon in the 'Download' field to download the report to your device.

Need more help?

We hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any questions or would like further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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