Your Sign In Scheduling booking page makes it easy and convenient for your customers to book appointments with you. As standard, every Sign In Scheduling account comes with its own unique booking page.
Sign In Scheduling offers a range of options to personalize your booking page in line with your brand. You can find your booking page and all customization options under 'Manage > Booking page customization'. This guide will outline each of these options and how to use them.
How to customize your booking page URL
You'll find your booking page URL at the top of the page. By default, Sign In Scheduling booking page URLs contain a random string of letters.
If you'd like to personalize your booking URL, you can customize it by clicking the 'Edit' button. Input your desired URL and then click 'Save'.
How to upload logo & header images
If you're subscribed to our Pro plan or above, you're able to upload custom logo and header images to your booking page.
To upload logo and header images, click on the 'Style and branding' drop-down.
Ensure that the options to show your logo and header images are enabled, then click to upload your images.
Note: There's no size restriction for logo and header images, but if they don't look the way you want them to, you can resize them before uploading them again.
Once you've selected the image to upload, you'll be shown a preview box. If you're happy with the selected image, click 'Upload'.
Your image will then be applied to your booking page.
You can delete your logo and header images at any time by clicking the remove button.
How to upload a custom favicon
As well as logo and header images, you also have the option to upload a custom favicon. This is the little icon that appears within the browser page tab of the website you're viewing, and offers a great way to further customize your booking page.
To upload a custom favicon, head to the 'Style and branding' section and then click 'Upload website icon'.
The process for uploading this image is the same as it is when uploading logos and headers.
How to change your booking page mode
You can change your booking page mode under 'Choose booking page mode'. Sign In Scheduling has two booking page modes for you to choose from: booking page and landing page.
Landing page mode provides a detailed view of your booking page. This includes a header and logo image as well as a title banner containing your business name and contact details. Your bookable services are displayed further down the page.
Booking page mode provides a simpler, condensed view of your booking page, strictly designed to focus on your bookable services. Your logo image, business name and contact details are shown in a slim banner at the top of the page, with your bookable services underneath.
How to change your booking page theme
Users subscribed to our Premium plan or above can change the booking page theme.
At the bottom of the 'Style and branding' drop-down, you'll find the option to select a booking page theme. There are a number of different themes to choose from!
Click to make your selection, and the system will save your choice automatically.
Note: Sign In Scheduling's classic theme is WCAG compliant.
How to edit your page details
Under the 'Page details' drop-down, you'll find options to add and amend your basic page details. These details will all be displayed on your booking page.
The fields in this section can be understood as follows:
Page title: the main title of your booking page, displayed at the very top.
Main description: a description of your business; what do you do? What do you offer your customers? What can they expect from you? This is also a good place to add information on special offers, news, vacation periods and seasonal closures.
Privacy notice: here you can input information on how you handle your customers' data and protect their privacy. For more information on steps you can take to be compliant with data protection regulations, click here to visit our security & compliance page.
Cancellation policy: your policy on handling cancellations. Sign In Scheduling will autofill this field for you, but you're welcome to change it. How you decide to handle cancellations is entirely up to you!
No slots support message: this is the message your customers will see on your booking page when there are no available slots on their chosen date/time. You can use this to advise customers on what to do if this happens.
Phone number, email & website: your business contact details and your main business website, if applicable.
LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram: you can use these fields to input your social media URLs, if applicable.
How to edit text format
Sign In Scheduling supports markdown for text formatting. You can edit the format of the text displayed on your booking page. If you'd like to create headings, bold/italicized text and insert links and images, click here for more information on how to do this.
How to upload staff photos
If you'd like to give your customers a preview of the staff member they're booking with, you can upload a profile photo for them which will appear on your booking page next to their name, at the staff selection stage.
To do this, head to 'Manage' > 'Staff' and click on the staff member for whom you'd like to add a photo.
Scroll down to 'Booking page photo' and click 'Upload photo'.
Just like with logo and header images, you'll be presented with a preview box once you've selected your image. Click 'Upload' to upload and save the image.
Note: we recommend that staff photos are 200 x 200 pixels in size for best results.
You'll then see the photo for that staff member within the 'Booking page photo' section of their staff profile, and next to their name on your booking page when customers are choosing a location and staff member.
How to add a service category
To separate your services into different categories, head to 'Manage' > 'Booking page customization' and click the 'Services' drop-down. Here you'll find the list of services bookable via your booking page.
To add a category, click 'Add new services group'.
Then enter the name of the category and click '+ Add service' to begin adding services to this group. Your services will appear for selection from a mini drop-down menu.
Once your services have been separated into categories, they'll appear within these categories on your booking page.
How to change the order of your services
To modify the order in which your services appear on your booking page, locate them within the 'Services' list and use the up/down arrows to move them. Those nearest the top will be displayed first.
How to remove a service
To remove a service from your booking page (or from a particular category), click the 'X' icon.
If you wish to delete a service entirely, click the red trash can icon instead.
Note: if you click the trash can icon accidentally, you'll need to head to 'Manage' > 'Services' to recreate the service.
How to modify a service
To find additional options for each service, click on the service name to expand a drop-down menu.
You can change or edit the service name at the very top. Your changes will automatically save.
The additional options are as follows:
Description: add a public description of the service (customers can view this description when they click 'See Details' on your booking page)
Duration: set or amend the service duration/length (you can also add an interval/time lapse between slots here)
Payment: define payment options for the service
Online Booking: choose whether to make the service bookable, or just visible
To add a different price or duration option for the same service, click 'Add price/duration'. You can then input the details for this additional option.
How to create more booking pages
Users subscribed to our Premium plan and above can create and use more than one booking page. To add another booking page, click on the 'Advanced options' section, then click 'Create page'.
This will immediately create another booking page. You'll find the new page in the drop-down at the top of the page. Here you can create another one, and rename your existing pages.
Need more help?
We hope this guide has been useful! If you have any questions or need any assistance, reach out to our support team who will be more than happy to help you.